The "Wonder Machine Enterprise Edition" (WMEE) & "Wonder Machine Generator Development Kit" (WMGDK), Sygel's main products, is the result of over ten years of Object Oriented development experience, and more cumbersome projects than we care to remember.
Sun Microsystems® and IBM® have defined J2EE™ as an industry standard to build enterprise web applications, which are living on networks and are accessible through browsers.
Sure, the potential of J2EE architectures is tremendous, but nevertheless developing J2EE applications can be hard, cumbersome, longwinded, and does not necessarily bring the magical benefits that many application server vendors have tried to make us believe.
This is why Sygel has created the Wonder Machine. Now there is a way to take the time-consuming and error-prone coding efforts out of the J2EE development process. The Wonder Machine is a code generation engine that takes the repetitiveness out of J2EE software engineering, and leverages the best-of-breed J2EE architecture in a fast, smooth, and iterative process.
The Wonder Machine is the tool that every J2EE architect has craved to develop, but never got round to.
Develop J2EE applications more robust and faster and improve your time to market with the Sygel Wonder Machine, an architectural IDE of the new generation.
Enhance the best-of-breed model-driven development tools with J2EE architectural intelligence according to the industry standards RUP®, UML™ and XML/XMI™.
Simplify development by focusing on the "real" business logic and using the intelligent code generation algorithm of the Sygel Wonder Machine.
Generate a stable and fully executable J2EE baseline architecture, including GUI, out of UML business domain models without writing a single line of code.
Develop iteratively with continuous integration and manage your "analysis - implementation" iteration cycles by using the intelligent code merging engine of the Sygel Wonder Machine.